CSCS Signs Test

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Operatives and Specialists - Safety Signs ([year])
You need to answer at least 22 out of 25 questions correctly to pass the Safety Signs Test for Operatives and Specialists. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!
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CSCS Safety Signs Test Questions and Answers (Printer-Friendly)
List of questions in above test (quick view). Click question box to reveal correct answer.
1. What kinds of sign indicate something MANDATORY?
Give ONE answer
A Blue drawing on a white circleB White drawing on a blue circle
C White drawing on a red circle
D White sign with a red border
Correct Answer: B White drawing on a blue circle
Explanation: Mandatory signs are blue circles with a white drawing or figure.
Explanation: Mandatory signs are blue circles with a white drawing or figure.
2. What kind of sign is a white drawing on a red square?
Give ONE answer
A Fire fighting signB Hazard sign
C Prohibition sign
D Warning sign
Correct Answer: A Fire fighting sign
Explanation: Red squares with white illustrations are fire fighting signs.
Explanation: Red squares with white illustrations are fire fighting signs.
3. What is this sign?
Give ONE answer

B Warning sign for fires in the vicinity
C Warning sign for flammable material
D Warning sign for waste being burned
Correct Answer: C Warning sign for flammable material
Explanation: This is a warning sign for flammable materials.
Explanation: This is a warning sign for flammable materials.
4. Which of the following is a generic health hazard sign?
Give ONE answer



Correct Answer: A 
Explanation: Health hazard signs take the shape of diamonds with a red border.

Explanation: Health hazard signs take the shape of diamonds with a red border.
5. What does a prohibition sign look like?
Give ONE answer
A A red circle with a diagonal red cross through itB A red circle with a single diagonal line through it
C A red circle with a white drawing
D A triangular sign with a red border
Correct Answer: B A red circle with a single diagonal line through it
Explanation: Prohibition signs are circular, with a single red diagonal line through the image.
Explanation: Prohibition signs are circular, with a single red diagonal line through the image.
6. What does this sign indicate?
Give ONE answer

B Hazardous chemical spill in area
C Poisonous wildlife in area
D Protected wildlife in area
Correct Answer: A Environmentally hazardous substance
Explanation: This sign is used to label environmentally hazardous chemicals.
Explanation: This sign is used to label environmentally hazardous chemicals.
7. What does this sign mean?
Give ONE answer

B Gloves are optional
C Gloves are prohibited
D Hazardous substances
Correct Answer: A Gloves are mandatory
Explanation: Gloves are mandatory.
Explanation: Gloves are mandatory.
8. Which of the following is a MANDATORY sign?
Give ONE answer



Correct Answer: B 
Explanation: This sign indicates head protection is mandatory.

Explanation: This sign indicates head protection is mandatory.
9. Which of the following is a PROHIBITION sign?
Give ONE answer



Correct Answer: C 
Explanation: This sign indicates water which must not be drunk.

Explanation: This sign indicates water which must not be drunk.
10. Which of the following is a WARNING sign?
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Correct Answer: D 
Explanation: Warning signs take the form of yellow triangles.

Explanation: Warning signs take the form of yellow triangles.
11. What does this sign indicate?
Give ONE answer

B Hazardous substance that may cause organ damage
C Respiratory protective equipment is mandatory
D Risk of electrocution
Correct Answer: B Hazardous substance that may cause organ damage
Explanation: This sign indicates the substance may cause serious damage.
Explanation: This sign indicates the substance may cause serious damage.
12. What does this sign indicate?
Give ONE answer

B No contact with emergency services is possible
C No phone signal in this area
D No talking on mobile phones
Correct Answer: A Active mobile phones are prohibited
Explanation: This sign indicates no activated phones are permitted in the area.
Explanation: This sign indicates no activated phones are permitted in the area.
13. What kind of area does this sign indicate?
Give ONE answer

B First aid point
C Site headquarters
D Welfare facilities
Correct Answer: A Assembly point in case of emergency
Explanation: This sign is used to identify designated assembly points.
Explanation: This sign is used to identify designated assembly points.
14. What should you be aware of when you see this sign?
Give ONE answer

B The ground may be slippery
C The ground may be uneven
D There may be earthquakes or tremors
Correct Answer: B The ground may be slippery
Explanation: This sign indicates the floor may be slippery.
Explanation: This sign indicates the floor may be slippery.
15. What service can you access where you see this sign?
Give ONE answer

B Emergency services
C First aid
D General site information
Correct Answer: C First aid
Explanation: This sign indicates a first aid point.
Explanation: This sign indicates a first aid point.
16. Where might you see this sign?
Give ONE answer

B Where hazardous fumes may be present
C Where personal music players are permitted
D Where pneumatic drilling is taking place
Correct Answer: D Where pneumatic drilling is taking place
Explanation: This sign indicates ear protection is mandatory, and you are likely to see it in noisy areas.
Explanation: This sign indicates ear protection is mandatory, and you are likely to see it in noisy areas.
17. What does this sign mean?
Give ONE answer

B Naked flames are prohibited
C Smoking is permitted
D Smoking is prohibited
Correct Answer: D Smoking is prohibited
Explanation: This is a no smoking sign.
Explanation: This is a no smoking sign.
18. Which sign indicates something you should use FIRST if you discover a fire?
Give ONE answer



Correct Answer: C 
Explanation: Fire hoses and equipment are primarily for firefighters. Your first action should be to raise the alarm.

Explanation: Fire hoses and equipment are primarily for firefighters. Your first action should be to raise the alarm.
19. Which sign might you find when there are electricity cables overhead?
Give ONE answer



Correct Answer: D 
Explanation: You may find a high voltage sign where electricity cables run overhead.

Explanation: You may find a high voltage sign where electricity cables run overhead.
20. What does this sign mean?
Give ONE answer

B A substance is toxic
C Do not touch
D Gloves are mandatory
Correct Answer: A A substance is corrosive
Explanation: This sign indicates a corrosive substance.
Explanation: This sign indicates a corrosive substance.
21. Not everyone on site is familiar with what standard safety signs mean. What might your employer do?
Give ONE answer
A Create a new, simpler series of safety signs that everybody can learn togetherB Do not use the signs that are less widely understood
C Provide information about standard signage and ensure everybody learns it
D Put plenty of signs up on site so workers can pick up the meanings in practice
Correct Answer: C Provide information about standard signage and ensure everybody learns it
Explanation: Standard signs must always be used where they are required. It is your responsibility to understand them, but your employer should offer support where necessary.
Explanation: Standard signs must always be used where they are required. It is your responsibility to understand them, but your employer should offer support where necessary.
22. What does it mean if you see this sign on site?
Give ONE answer

B No entry
C No public access
D You must not use the area as a thoroughfare
Correct Answer: D You must not use the area as a thoroughfare
Explanation: This sign indicates areas which are not thoroughfares.
Explanation: This sign indicates areas which are not thoroughfares.
23. What does a green and white sign indicate?
Give ONE answer
A Environmentally friendly areaB Evacuation point
C First aid
D Safe conditions
Correct Answer: D Safe conditions
Explanation: Green and white signs are a general category of sign that signals safe conditions.
Explanation: Green and white signs are a general category of sign that signals safe conditions.
24. What does this sign tell you about a material?
Give ONE answer

B That it must ONLY be extinguished with water if burning
C That this is not a safe area for waste disposal
D That you must NOT use water to extinguish it if burning
Correct Answer: D That you must NOT use water to extinguish it if burning
Explanation: This sign indicates where you must NOT use water to extinguish fires.
Explanation: This sign indicates where you must NOT use water to extinguish fires.
25. What might you find in an area with this sign?
Give ONE answer

B Fragile points in a roof
C Oil spills
D Thin ice
Correct Answer: B Fragile points in a roof
Explanation: This sign is used as signage on a fragile roof.
Explanation: This sign is used as signage on a fragile roof.