Street Works (NRSWA Test) Questions and Answers

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Street Works Test
Normally, NRSWA tests contain 40 questions. However, for the purposes of this mock test, there are 40 street works questions and answers. You need to score 32 out of 40 (80%) to pass the test. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!
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NRSWA Test Questions and Answers Quick View
List of questions in above test (quick view). Click question box to reveal correct answer.
1. What are the TWO main complicating factors when working on highways?
Give TWO answers
A Moving trafficB Open air
C Pedestrians
D Public liability
E Wet concrete
Correct Answer: A Moving traffic, C Pedestrians
Explanation: Highway work is complicated by the presence of moving traffic and pedestrians.
Explanation: Highway work is complicated by the presence of moving traffic and pedestrians.
2. What THREE kinds of measure must be in place to manage working around pedestrians and moving traffic?
Give THREE answers
A Fall protectionB Guarding
C Legal protections
D Lighting
E Reporting
F Signing
Correct Answer: B Guarding, D Lighting, F Signing
Explanation: Signing, lighting, and guarding are all part of the procedure required when working on highways.
Explanation: Signing, lighting, and guarding are all part of the procedure required when working on highways.
3. How often should signs be checked to ensure they are all correctly positioned?
Give ONE answer
A At least dailyB At least monthly
C At least weekly
D At the beginning of the project
Correct Answer: A At least daily
Explanation: Signs must be checked daily to ensure they are still correctly positioned.
Explanation: Signs must be checked daily to ensure they are still correctly positioned.
4. What may be required when there is heavy traffic?
Give ONE answer
A You may need to contact the local authoritiesB You may need to duplicate signs on both sides of the road
C You may need to stop work
D You may need to wear high visibility clothing
Correct Answer: B You may need to duplicate signs on both sides of the road
Explanation: Heavy traffic may obscure signage, requiring that it be duplicated on both sides of the road.
Explanation: Heavy traffic may obscure signage, requiring that it be duplicated on both sides of the road.
5. What does TTM stand for?
Give ONE answer
A Tall transit motorwayB Temporary traffic management
C Temporary traffic movement
D Tight traffic movement
Correct Answer: B Temporary traffic management
Explanation: Temporary traffic management (TTM) is a crucial part of highway work.
Explanation: Temporary traffic management (TTM) is a crucial part of highway work.
6. How should lighting, signs, and guards be protected from strong winds?
Give ONE answer
A With bags of granular material fixed at the baseB With bags of granular material fixed at the top
C With secure ties
D With steel props
Correct Answer: A With bags of granular material fixed at the base
Explanation: Bags of granular material must be fixed at the base to stop them from being affected by strong weather.
Explanation: Bags of granular material must be fixed at the base to stop them from being affected by strong weather.
7. When is high-visibility clothing required if you are working on highways?
Give ONE answer
A At ALL times when on siteB At ALL times when you are working
C When lighting conditions become poor
D When there is adverse weather
Correct Answer: A At ALL times when on site
Explanation: High-visibility clothing must be worn at all times on site.
Explanation: High-visibility clothing must be worn at all times on site.
8. What should you do if a private vehicle ends up on site?
Give ONE answer
A Ask the driver to leave the vehicle and report it to your supervisorB Call the police
C Escort the vehicle off site by way of the nearest safe exit
D Halt all work on site
Correct Answer: C Escort the vehicle off site by way of the nearest safe exit
Explanation: Private vehicles must be helped off site immediately.
Explanation: Private vehicles must be helped off site immediately.
9. You have finished your work. When should you remove signs, lighting, and guarding?
Give ONE answer
A During the next available daylight hoursB Immediately
C When traffic conditions are calm
D When you have received permission from the highway authorities
Correct Answer: B Immediately
Explanation: All guarding, signs, lighting, and equipment must by law be removed immediately once work is completed.
Explanation: All guarding, signs, lighting, and equipment must by law be removed immediately once work is completed.
10. Traffic has become unexpectedly heavy, and it is affecting work. What should you do?
Give ONE answer
A Add traffic calming measuresB Consult with your supervisor
C Nothing - continue working
D Stop work until it slows down
Correct Answer: B Consult with your supervisor
Explanation: If an unexpected change in traffic flow is affecting your work, you should talk to your supervisor.
Explanation: If an unexpected change in traffic flow is affecting your work, you should talk to your supervisor.
11. What TWO factors will affect the length of advance signing?
Give TWO answers
A Gradient of roadB Speed of road
C Time of day
D Toxicity of materials in use
E Type of road
Correct Answer: B Speed of road, E Type of road
Explanation: The length and type of road will determine the length of advance signing.
Explanation: The length and type of road will determine the length of advance signing.
12. Poor visibility means motorists may struggle to see current signage. What should be done?
Give ONE answer
A A worker must be stationed near the signs to point them out to motoristsB Additional signs should be put up
C The signs must be replaced with bigger ones
D Work must stop until conditions improve
Correct Answer: B Additional signs should be put up
Explanation: Additional signs may need to be added if conditions deteriorate.
Explanation: Additional signs may need to be added if conditions deteriorate.
13. When must works vehicles use the amber warning beacon?
Give ONE answer
A When light is lowB When reversing
C When traffic is heavy
D Whenever the vehicle is on site
Correct Answer: D Whenever the vehicle is on site
Explanation: Amber warning lights must be on whenever a vehicle is on site
Explanation: Amber warning lights must be on whenever a vehicle is on site
14. What is the purpose of a safety zone?
Give ONE answer
A To preserve the quality of the roadB To protect employers from liability
C To protect surrounding buildings
D To protect workers and traffic
Correct Answer: D To protect workers and traffic
Explanation: A safety zone is installed to protect workers and traffic.
Explanation: A safety zone is installed to protect workers and traffic.
15. Which side of the vehicle is USUALLY the safest to get out of?
Give ONE answer
A Driver's side B No side is usually safer than any other
C Passenger side
D Rear side
Correct Answer: C Passenger side
Explanation: The passenger side door is usually the safest exit point.
Explanation: The passenger side door is usually the safest exit point.
16. What is the purpose of tapping rails?
Give ONE answer
A To help the visually impaired navigate temporary footwaysB To prevent materials from falling into the highway
C To prevent signs from falling over
D To prevent vehicles entering the safety zone
Correct Answer: A To help the visually impaired navigate temporary footways
Explanation: Tapping rails help the visually impaired navigate footways.
Explanation: Tapping rails help the visually impaired navigate footways.
17. How will you know the minimum width required for a temporary footway?
Give ONE answer
A Check the nearest existing footwayB Consult the Code of Practice
C Consult the Health and Safety Executive
D It is always 2m for pedestrian footways
Correct Answer: B Consult the Code of Practice
Explanation: The Code of Practice will inform you what the minimum width for footways should be.
Explanation: The Code of Practice will inform you what the minimum width for footways should be.
18. You are working on a motorway - what high-visibility clothing must you have on?
Give ONE answer
A High-visibility vestB Long-sleeved high-visibility clothing
C Protective high-visibility clothing
D Wet weather high-visibility clothing
Correct Answer: B Long-sleeved high-visibility clothing
Explanation: On motorways and high-speed dual carriageways, high-visibility clothing must be long-sleeved.
Explanation: On motorways and high-speed dual carriageways, high-visibility clothing must be long-sleeved.
19. When should you carry out works of short duration, like filling in potholes?
Give ONE answer
A At night, when traffic is lightB There are no restrictions on when you can do short duration works
C When there is good visibility
D When traffic is heavy
Correct Answer: C When there is good visibility
Explanation: Short duration work must be carried out when visibility is good and the risk is low.
Explanation: Short duration work must be carried out when visibility is good and the risk is low.
20. Where can you find all the necessary information regarding pedestrian and traffic systems?
Give ONE answer
A Construction Phase PlanB HSE documentation
C The Black Book
D The Red Book
Correct Answer: D The Red Book
Explanation: The Red Book contains information regarding pedestrian and traffic systems.
Explanation: The Red Book contains information regarding pedestrian and traffic systems.
21. Who is permitted to manage traffic on a 50 mph road?
Give ONE answer
A No traffic management should be requiredB Only registered traffic management contractors
C Only site workers who have undergone the proper training
D Only the site manager
Correct Answer: B Only registered traffic management contractors
Explanation: Traffic management on 50mph roads can only be done by registered contractors.
Explanation: Traffic management on 50mph roads can only be done by registered contractors.
22. How far before the access point must you turn on your amber beacons when entering a site on a motorway?
Give ONE answer
A 100mB 200m
C 20m
D 50m
Correct Answer: B 200m
Explanation: You must turn on your beacons 200m before entering the site.
Explanation: You must turn on your beacons 200m before entering the site.
23. Who is at risk when mobile vehicles are in use?
Give TWO answers
A OperatorsB Pedestrians
C The local council
D The site manager
Correct Answer: A Operators, B Pedestrians
Explanation: Workers and pedestrians are at risk from site vehicles.
Explanation: Workers and pedestrians are at risk from site vehicles.
24. When is it permissible to direct traffic with hand signals?
Give ONE answer
A NeverB When it is a short duration job
C When signs are missing or are damaged
D When weather conditions obscure signs
Correct Answer: A Never
Explanation: You must never direct traffic using hand signals.
Explanation: You must never direct traffic using hand signals.
25. What should you do if you need to operate stop/go boards near a road junction?
Give ONE answer
A Consult with the highways authorityB Consult with your supervisor
C Direct traffic manually at the junction
D Ensure there is a stop/go board to cover all roads converging at the junction
Correct Answer: B Consult with your supervisor
Explanation: Speak with your supervisor if there is a road junction or a level crossing nearby.
Explanation: Speak with your supervisor if there is a road junction or a level crossing nearby.
26. Which of the following conditions would make a priority sign system appropriate?
Give ONE answer
A Consult with the highways authorityB The coned off area of work is no longer than 100m
C The coned off area of work is no longer than 80m
D Traffic flow is one-way
Correct Answer: C The coned off area of work is no longer than 80m
Explanation: Priority sign systems are not appropriate for heavy traffic, one-way traffic flow, or where the works is over 80m long.
Explanation: Priority sign systems are not appropriate for heavy traffic, one-way traffic flow, or where the works is over 80m long.
27. Which THREE of the following are basic requirements for a vehicle being used when shortstop or mobile working operations are taking place?
Give THREE answers
A It must be brightly colouredB It must have a directional arrow mounted on the rear
C It must have a flashing amber beacon
D It must have a siren sounding periodically
E It must have three flashing amber beacons
F It must not be painted a distracting colour
Correct Answer: A It must be brightly coloured, B It must have a directional arrow mounted on the rear, C It must have a flashing amber beacon
Explanation: Vehicles used for short-stop or mobile operations must be brightly coloured, with an amber beacon and a directional sign mounted at the back.
Explanation: Vehicles used for short-stop or mobile operations must be brightly coloured, with an amber beacon and a directional sign mounted at the back.
28. The detector system on the temporary traffic lights at your works have become faulty. What TWO actions should you take?
Give TWO answers
A Direct traffic using hand signals B Halt all work until the fault is fixed
C Inform your supervisor or get in touch with the service company
D Set up a give and take system in its place
E Use the signals manually or on fixed time
Correct Answer: C Inform your supervisor or get in touch with the service company, E Use the signals manually or on fixed time
Explanation: You should operate the lights manually or on fixed time, and get in touch with your supervisor or the service company.
Explanation: You should operate the lights manually or on fixed time, and get in touch with your supervisor or the service company.
29. Do you need to follow any special procedure for hedge trimming?
Give ONE answer
A No - this is not a disruptive operationB Yes - this counts as a continuous mobile operation
Correct Answer: B Yes - this counts as a continuous mobile operation
Explanation: Hedge trimming is a job that requires you follow the procedure for continuous mobile operations.
Explanation: Hedge trimming is a job that requires you follow the procedure for continuous mobile operations.
30. Which THREE of the following MUST be true in order for a 'give and take' traffic system to be appropriate?
Give THREE answers
A Motorists can see at least 50 m beyond the worksB Motorists cannot see beyond the works
C The speed limit must be no higher than 30 mph
D The works must not be longer than 50m
E Traffic flow is heavy
F Works is longer than 100m
Correct Answer: A Motorists can see at least 50 m beyond the works, C The speed limit must be no higher than 30 mph, D The works must not be longer than 50m
Explanation: Give and take systems are permitted where traffic is light and the speed limit is no higher than 30mph. Motorists must be able to see 50m beyond the works, which must itself be no longer than 50m.
Explanation: Give and take systems are permitted where traffic is light and the speed limit is no higher than 30mph. Motorists must be able to see 50m beyond the works, which must itself be no longer than 50m.
31. Which of the following would be suitable for works taking place at night?
Give ONE answer
A EitherB Give and take system
C Neither
D Priority sign system
Correct Answer: C Neither
Explanation: When visibility is poor, you should not use either priority sign systems or give and take systems.
Explanation: When visibility is poor, you should not use either priority sign systems or give and take systems.
32. Which of the following systems may be used when the works are LONGER than 300m?
Give ONE answer
A Give and take systemB Priority signs system
C Stop/go boards
D Temporary traffic lights
Correct Answer: C Stop/go boards
Explanation: Stop/go boards are most likely to be suitable for longer works, but this may depend on traffic flow.
Explanation: Stop/go boards are most likely to be suitable for longer works, but this may depend on traffic flow.
33. What must you ensure when erecting and removing portable traffic signals?
Give ONE answer
A That you do so all at onceB That you do so at night
C That you do so in the correct order
D That you do so over a long period of time
Correct Answer: C That you do so in the correct order
Explanation: Portable traffic signals must be removed in a specified order.
Explanation: Portable traffic signals must be removed in a specified order.
34. What must you ensure when cable protectors are installed across a carriageway?
Give ONE answer
A Cables should never cross the carriagewayB That signs are in place indicating there is a ramp ahead
C That they are brightly coloured
D That they are not left unattended
Correct Answer: B That signs are in place indicating there is a ramp ahead
Explanation: Cable protectors for signal cables must be clearly indicated in advance with a 'ramp ahead' sign.
Explanation: Cable protectors for signal cables must be clearly indicated in advance with a 'ramp ahead' sign.
35. Why is diesel unsuitable for preventing bitumen sticking to buckets?
Give ONE answer
A It is a slip hazardB It is corrosive
C It is environmentally toxic
D It is explosive
Correct Answer: A It is a slip hazard
Explanation: Spreading diesel will create a significant slip hazard.
Explanation: Spreading diesel will create a significant slip hazard.
36. What THREE facts must a mobile plant operator know about their vehicle?
Give THREE answers
A Age of the vehicleB Gross weight
C Insurance details
D Maximum axle weight
E Plant dimensions
F Tax band
Correct Answer: B Gross weight, D Maximum axle weight, E Plant dimensions
Explanation: Plant operators must know the basic dimensions, the gross weight, and the maximum axle weights of their plant.
Explanation: Plant operators must know the basic dimensions, the gross weight, and the maximum axle weights of their plant.
37. You are an operator for a plant with air brakes. What must you do at the start of each shift?
Give ONE answer
A Drain the air storage tanksB Ensure the air storage tanks are at the correct pressure
C Ensure the air storage tanks are not contaminated
D Fill the air storage tanks
Correct Answer: A Drain the air storage tanks
Explanation: Operators must drain the air storage tanks at the beginning of each shift.
Explanation: Operators must drain the air storage tanks at the beginning of each shift.
38. True or false: work vehicles with amber beacons do not need to comply with some aspects of the highway code?
Give ONE answer
Correct Answer: A FALSE
Explanation: The highway code applies to all vehicles on the road.
Explanation: The highway code applies to all vehicles on the road.
39. When MUST vehicle marshalls be used?
Give ONE answer
A It is never a requirementB When a vehicle is reversing and members of the public may be present
C When a vehicle is reversing and there may be pedestrians present
D Whenever a vehicle is reversing
Correct Answer: C When a vehicle is reversing and there may be pedestrians present
Explanation: Marshalls must be used to help a vehicle reverse if pedestrians may be present.
Explanation: Marshalls must be used to help a vehicle reverse if pedestrians may be present.
40. You are a mobile plant operator, and are being asked to take on additional shifts to meet a project deadline. What should you be aware of?
Give ONE answer
A There are legal restrictions on the number of hours you can workB There are no restrictions on the number of hours you may be required to work
C You may develop HAVS
D You will need additional qualifications to work longer hours
Correct Answer: A There are legal restrictions on the number of hours you can work
Explanation: There are legal restrictions on how many hours mobile plant operators can work.
Explanation: There are legal restrictions on how many hours mobile plant operators can work.