Operatives and Specialists Test 15 (2023)

You have 45 minutes to answer 50 multiple choice CSCS Mock Test questions for Operatives and Specialists. You need to answer at least 45 out of 50 questions correctly to pass. Answers may be reviewed after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!

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List of questions in above test (quick view). Click question box to reveal correct answer.
1. Which of the following is NOT part of a safe system of work? Give ONE answer
A Construction phase plan
B Health and safety policy
C Permit to work
D Professional trust
Correct Answer: D Professional trust
Explanation: A safe system of work is a system developed by an employer to carry out a job safely, and in a defined way.
2. Work with which of the following materials may require a COSHH assessment? Check ALL that apply
A Asbestos
B Metal
C Plastic
D Tile
E Wood
Correct Answer: A Asbestos, D Tile, E Wood
Explanation: COSHH assessments must be conducted if working with a material may produce harmful substances, even if the material itself is not harmful (e.g., sanding down wood produces harmful dust).
3. You cut your hand whilst having lunch on-site. What should you do? Give ONE answer
A Report it and seek medical treatment if required
B Seek medical treatment, but do not report it
C Treat it yourself and carry on - it is not severe enough to affect your ability to work
D Treat it yourself and carry on - only accidents happening during work need to be reported
Correct Answer: A Report it and seek medical treatment if required
Explanation: All accidents on-site must be reported.
4. Which of the following best describes a 'respiratory sensitiser'? Give ONE answer
A It is a kind of hazardous dust/fume
B It is a piece of respiratory protective equipment
C It is a prescription device for patients suffering from respiratory disease
D It is the person in charge of protecting respiratory health
Correct Answer: A It is a kind of hazardous dust/fume
Explanation: Some hazardous dusts or fumes are known as 'respiratory sensitisers'.
5. What are two things you MUST do to avoid an extension reel overheating when in use? Give TWO answers
A Do not overload it
B Ensure it is at maximum capacity
C Ensure it is near a fan
D Unwind it fully
E Wind it tightly
Correct Answer: A Do not overload it, D Unwind it fully
Explanation: Extension reels and cables should be fully unwound, and not overloaded.
6. How often does the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommend testing equipment, tools, and leads? Give ONE answer
A At the start of every project
B Once a week
C Once a year
D Once every three months
Correct Answer: D Once every three months
Explanation: Testing every three months is recommended by the HSE.
7. Hearing loss as a result of noise exposure sets in: Give ONE answer
A Immediately
B Never
C Only when a person has pre-existing ear problems
D Over a period of time
Correct Answer: D Over a period of time
Explanation: Hearing loss develops over a period of time.
8. You were told in a briefing that an area requires hearing protection, but when you arrive there is no signage. What should you do? Give ONE answer
A Continue without protection
B Continue without protection if the noise in the area is tolerable
C Wear the protection you were instructed to
D Wear the protection you were instructed to in your briefing, and report the lack of signage to your supervisor
Correct Answer: D Wear the protection you were instructed to in your briefing, and report the lack of signage to your supervisor
Explanation: Always wear protection you have been instructed to, and report any missing signage to your supervisor.
9. What TWO steps can you take to limit the risk of developing HAVS when using hand held tools? Give TWO answers
A Exercise your hands during break periods
B Relax your grip so that most of the work is done by the tool
C Rest your hands during break periods
D Tighten your grip to reduce the strength of vibration
Correct Answer: A Exercise your hands during break periods, B Relax your grip so that most of the work is done by the tool
Explanation: You can protect yourself by loosening your grip, and exercising your hands. This reduces vibration damage, and promotes blood flow.
10. What hazard is created by too much oxygen in the air? Give ONE answer
A Breathing becomes more difficult
B Fumes can become more noxious
C Injuries are more easily sustained
D Items become more flammable
Correct Answer: D Items become more flammable
Explanation: Objects will burn more easily, and faster, with higher levels of oxygen.
11. With a mobile access tower, why is it dangerous to install the platform too high? Give ONE answer
A Because equipment will be at greater risk of falling
B Because the guard rails will not provide adequate protection
C Because this increases the harm from falling
D Because this makes the structure less stable
Correct Answer: B Because the guard rails will not provide adequate protection
Explanation: Guard rails will not be high enough if the platform is put in too high.
12. When dealing with chemicals, the gloves you wear must be: Give ONE answer
A Impervious
B Thick
C Tightly sealed around the wrist
D Waterproof
Correct Answer: A Impervious
Explanation: Gloves worn when using chemicals should not allow the chemical to pas through the glove. This is known as being "impervious".
13. Which filter grading offers the highest protection? Give ONE answer
Correct Answer: C FFP3
Explanation: FFP3 provides the highest grade of filter protection.
14. Asbestos most commonly comes in three types. What types are these? Give ONE answer
A Blue, brown, and white
B Blue, white, and yellow
C Brown, white, and black
D White, black, and grey
Correct Answer: A Blue, brown, and white
Explanation: The three key asbestos types are blue (crocidolite), brown (amosite), and white (chrysolite).
15. Wellington boots are a safe way of protecting your skin from burns. This applies to which activity? Give ONE answer
A Laying down wet concrete
B Sewage works
C Using lead paint
D Welding
Correct Answer: A Laying down wet concrete
Explanation: Wet concrete can cause skin burns, and boots offer good protection.
16. You have a half-finished container of a hazardous substance, and no clear procedure has been defined for disposing of it. What should you do? Give ONE answer
A Ask your supervisor or site manager what the safe procedure should be
B Dispose of it along with general waste where no procedure has been specified
C Leave it in a safe place to be disposed of later
D Pour the remainder down the drain
Correct Answer: A Ask your supervisor or site manager what the safe procedure should be
Explanation: All hazardous substances must be disposed of according to on-site procedure.
17. Why is it important to know your limitations? Give ONE answer
A Because pushing past them may adversely impact your mental health
B Because this will identify areas you need to push yourself harder in
C Because you will need this information for performance reviews
D It is not important
Correct Answer: A Because pushing past them may adversely impact your mental health
Explanation: Knowing your limits will help you manage your mental health.
18. How might your employer reduce the impact of a physically stressful task? Give ONE answer
A Increase the hourly wage for this task
B Make shifts longer to get it done as soon as possible
C Put workers on rotation
D Select the employee who is least likely to suffer physical stress
Correct Answer: C Put workers on rotation
Explanation: Your employer can put staff on rotation to reduce the amount of physical stress placed on each individual.
19. You are asked to help out on a team lifting. What TWO conditions must apply for you to accept? Give TWO answers
A You must be of a similar stature to the rest of the team
B You must be on a break
C You must be stronger than the rest of the tea
D You must be trained in team lifting
E You must be wearing PPE
Correct Answer: A You must be of a similar stature to the rest of the team, D You must be trained in team lifting
Explanation: All people taking part in team lifting must be trained in it, as well as of a similar stature.
20. Which of the following is advisable when lifting a heavy material? Give ONE answer
A Your arms and biceps should be doing most of the work
B Your back should be doing most of the work
C Your legs and thighs should be doing most of the work
Correct Answer: C Your legs and thighs should be doing most of the work
Explanation: Let your legs carry the work when lifting.
21. What kind of sign is a white drawing on a red square? Give ONE answer
A Fire fighting sign
B Hazard sign
C Prohibition sign
D Warning sign
Correct Answer: A Fire fighting sign
Explanation: Red squares with white illustrations are fire fighting signs.
22. What does a prohibition sign look like? Give ONE answer
A A red circle with a diagonal red cross through it
B A red circle with a single diagonal line through it
C A red circle with a white drawing
D A triangular sign with a red border
Correct Answer: B A red circle with a single diagonal line through it
Explanation: Prohibition signs are circular, with a single red diagonal line through the image.
23. Which safety sign should you see on the bottle of a flammable LIQUID? Give ONE answer
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Hazardous substances are marked with diamond-shaped safety signs.
24. What sign may you find, accompanied by explanatory text, where asbestos removal is taking place? Give ONE answer
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: You may see a general warning sign, with further explanatory text.
25. Who is at risk when vehicles and mobile plants are being moved? Give ONE answer
A All of the above
B Nearby workers
C Operators
D Passers by
Correct Answer: A All of the above
Explanation: Accidents and injuries happen every year to operators and those in the vicinity of mobile plants and vehicles.
26. How often should equipment used for lifting people be THOROUGHLY examined? Give ONE answer
A Annually
B Every 6 months
C Every two years
D Only when used for the first time
Correct Answer: B Every 6 months
Explanation: Equipment used for lifting people must be thoroughly examined every 6 months.
27. You spot something on site you think might be an unmarked hazard, but you are not sure - and you are busy. What SHOULD you do? Give ONE answer
A Nothing - if it were in fact a hazard, it would have been marked
B Report it immediately
C Wait for a spare moment, then go and assess the risk
D Wait to see if it develops into a clear hazard, then report it
Correct Answer: B Report it immediately
Explanation: If you notice something which seems unsafe, especially if it has gone unnoticed, it is your legal duty to report it.
28. Which of the below is NOT required at site induction? Give ONE answer
A Information about how you will be consulted on matters of health and safety
B Information about site traffic management
C Information about welfare facilities
D These should ALL be included in a site induction
Correct Answer: D These should ALL be included in a site induction
Explanation: All these pieces of information should be included in a site induction.
29. If an employee suffers serious injury and is unable to perform in their role for 7 more consecutive days, who must be informed? Give ONE answer
A The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
B The board of directors
C The recruitment team
D The site manager
Correct Answer: A The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Explanation: The HSE must be informed of this injury.
30. What is the MAIN reason that respiratory hazards are so dangerous? Give ONE answer
A You may choke from blocked airways
B You may contract a range of illnesses
C You may find it harder to communicate
D You may lose the ability to talk
Correct Answer: B You may contract a range of illnesses
Explanation: Respiratory hazards can lead to the inhalation of harmful substances that cause disease and illness.
31. Which of the following is TRUE about carbon monoxide? Give ONE answer
A It is a common by-product on construction sites. It is harmful in high concentrations.
B It is a common by-product on construction sites. It is not dangerous.
C It is a rare by-product on construction sites. It is highly dangerous in any concentration.
D You will not find carbon monoxide on construction sites.
Correct Answer: A It is a common by-product on construction sites. It is harmful in high concentrations.
Explanation: Carbon monoxide is common on construction sites. It is usually dangerous only in high concentrations.
32. How can you adapt a dust mask to make it suitable for protecting against hazardous fumes? Give ONE answer
A A dust mask is already suitable for protecting against hazardous fumes
B Dampen the mask with water
C This is not possible
D Wear two dust masks
Correct Answer: C This is not possible
Explanation: Never try to adapt RPE for a task it is not suited for.
33. Where should you store petrol for refuelling tools? Give ONE answer
A At the site office
B At the welfare services
C Away from where the work is being done
D Where the work is being done
Correct Answer: C Away from where the work is being done
Explanation: Petrol must not be stored at the work location.
34. You were told in a briefing that an area requires hearing protection, but when you arrive there is no signage. What should you do? Give ONE answer
A Continue without protection
B Continue without protection if the noise in the area is tolerable
C Wear the protection you were instructed to
D Wear the protection you were instructed to in your briefing, and report the lack of signage to your supervisor
Correct Answer: D Wear the protection you were instructed to in your briefing, and report the lack of signage to your supervisor
Explanation: Always wear protection you have been instructed to, and report any missing signage to your supervisor.
35. If you cannot find an appropriate place to refuel, what TWO measures must be in place when you refill? Give TWO answers
A You must be no closer than 10 metres from drains or watercourses
B You must catch any spillages by laying an absorbent mat or drip tray underneath
C You must cordon off the area
D You must keep a record of the incident
E You must use a leak-proof siphon
Correct Answer: A You must be no closer than 10 metres from drains or watercourses , B You must catch any spillages by laying an absorbent mat or drip tray underneath
Explanation: Mitigate the risks of pollution by remaining distant from water sources and drains, and laying ground protection underneath.
36. Which ONE of the following may cause low levels of oxygen in an enclosed tank? Give ONE answer
A Atmospheric pressure
B Convex walls
C Moss and algae
D Rust
Correct Answer: D Rust
Explanation: Rust (oxidisation) can deplete oxygen levels in an enclosed space.
37. How can you find out a scaffold platform's safe load rating? Give ONE answer
A You can check the signage or handover certificate
B You can check with the contractor
C You can inspect the scaffolding for damage
D You can refer to the safe system of work
Correct Answer: A You can check the signage or handover certificate
Explanation: You can find this information on the signage and the handover certificate.
38. Which of the following will conduct electricity if it touches or comes close to a power line? Check ALL that apply
A Crane
B Long metal ladder
C Piece of scaffolding
D Power lines do not conduct electricity to the ground, as they are safely insulated
Correct Answer: A Crane, B Long metal ladder, C Piece of scaffolding
Explanation: These will all conduct electricity, and must be managed with extreme caution around power lines.
39. The fresh air pump in your excavation stops working. What should you do? Give ONE answer
A Only remain in the excavation for short periods of time so the air can replenish
B Report this to the site manager, but continue working if the risk seems low
C Source suitable RPE and continue working
D Stop work and report the broken pump so it can be repaired
Correct Answer: D Stop work and report the broken pump so it can be repaired
Explanation: You should wait until the pump is repaired and the safe system of work can continue. PPE should only be used as a last resort.
40. Many safety signs are likely to indicate areas where you must wear PPE. Which of the following signs is LEAST likely to indicate a situation requiring PPE? Give ONE answer
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: This sign indicates that water from this tap is not for drinking - there are no items of PPE usually associated with this.
41. If working alone, what is ONE extra provision you may be asked to make? Give ONE answer
A Always keep a fire extinguisher to hand
B Keep detailed personal notes of your activities
C Keep in regular remote contact with your supervisor, e.g. through radio
D Wear a bodycam
Correct Answer: C Keep in regular remote contact with your supervisor, e.g. through radio
Explanation: You may be asked to keep in regular contact.
42. Which fire extinguisher should be used when conducting hot works? Give ONE answer
A Never use a fire extinguisher on hot works
B One designated for your team and stored at a safe distance from the work area
C One specifically designated to your work area and task
D The nearest one available in case of emergency
Correct Answer: C One specifically designated to your work area and task
Explanation: You must be issued with an extinguisher specific to your task and area.
43. Which of the following is NOT an example of an on-site emergency? Give ONE answer
A Chemical spill
B Fuel shortage
C Significant chemical burns
D Workers trapped in a collapsed excavation
Correct Answer: B Fuel shortage
Explanation: Fuel shortage is not an example of an on-site emergency.
44. After cutting your finger on site, you find there are no dressings in the first aid kit. What should you do? Give ONE answer
A Inform the person who manages the kit
B Nothing - the person in charge of managing it will be aware
C Report it in the accident book
D Restock the kit at the next opportunity
Correct Answer: A Inform the person who manages the kit
Explanation: If you notice the first-aid kit is not properly restocked, you must inform the person in charge of managing it.
45. Your colleague reports they have 'pizza knee'. What does this mean? Give ONE answer
A Pizza knee describes a build-up of fatty tissue around the knee
B Pizza knee describes irritant contact dermatitis on the knee
C Pizza knee describes patchy discolouration on the knee from kneeling too long
D Pizza knee is when a knee has been heavily bruised
Correct Answer: B Pizza knee describes irritant contact dermatitis on the knee
Explanation: Pizza knee is an informal term for irritant contact dermatitis
46. What is good practice when it comes to discussing how you are feeling? Give ONE answer
A Do it rarely, and do not bother people
B Find a loved one, a trusted friend, an independent party, or a professional that you can do this with
C Identify the problem before talking about it with somebody
D Only discuss matters with a trained professional
Correct Answer: B Find a loved one, a trusted friend, an independent party, or a professional that you can do this with
Explanation: Having someone you can talk to honestly about how you feel is vital part of being responsible about your health. You do not need to know what is wrong in order to talk about it.
47. What is the best way to manage mental health issues at work? Give ONE answer
A Discuss them in confidence with a supervisor or manager
B Do not seek support from your employer. as you may lose your job
C Find a different job
D Self-medicate
Correct Answer: A Discuss them in confidence with a supervisor or manager
Explanation: Always discuss mental health problems with your employer, as accommodations can often be made.
48. You will be lifting a heavy load. Who must help plan out a safe system of work? Give TWO answers
A All workers in the area
B The Health and Safety Executive
C You
D Your supervisor
Correct Answer: C You, D Your supervisor
Explanation: You and your supervisor (or employer) must be involved in the planning.
49. What does this sign indicate? Give ONE answer
A Environmentally hazardous substance
B Hazardous chemical spill in area
C Poisonous wildlife in area
D Protected wildlife in area
Correct Answer: A Environmentally hazardous substance
Explanation: This sign is used to label environmentally hazardous chemicals.
50. What is the hand signal for DANGER? Give ONE answer
A Two fists raised above your head
B Two hands raised to your mouth
C Two open-palm hands raised directly up
D Two open-palm hands waved above your head
Correct Answer: C Two open-palm hands raised directly up
Explanation: Signal DANGER with two open-palm hands raised directly up.