IOSH Working Safely Test Mock Questions

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IOSH Working Safely Mock Test
There are 20 IOSH Working Safely Mock Test questions in this assessment. You need to score 16 out of 20 to pass. You may review answers after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!
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IOSH Working Safely Assessment Questions and Answers Quick View
List of questions in above test (quick view). Click question box to reveal correct answer.
1. Think about health and safety signs. Which statement is correct?
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A yellow signs are for emergency escape routesB yellow signs are for mandatory signs
C yellow signs are prohibition signs
D yellow signs are to warn about hazards
Correct Answer: D yellow signs are to warn about hazards
2. Which of the following is true?
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A a near miss is an incident that results in no injury or damage but which had the potential to do soB an immediate cause of an accident is the lack of supervision
C reviewing risk control measures is the first stage in a structured approach to accident investigation
Correct Answer: A a near miss is an incident that results in no injury or damage but which had the potential to do so
3. Think about reasons for investigating incidents. Which statement is correct?
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A it helps to identify the cause of the incident to stop it happening againB it helps you to find out who is to blame
C it helps you to focus on reactive measurement
D it removes the need for legal compliance
Correct Answer: A it helps to identify the cause of the incident to stop it happening again
4. What is meant by the environment?
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A air, land and waterB location, rivers and forestry
C r and land
D sky, land and sea
Correct Answer: A air, land and water
5. Which of the following is true?
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A a company's location is one of the factors which could influence an organisation's effect on the environmentB in releasing harmful substances into the environment, pollution only contaminates air and land
C reusing materials is the only solution in the management of environmental waste
Correct Answer: A a company's location is one of the factors which could influence an organisation's effect on the environment
6. Think about a manager's responsibilities and accountabilities for safety in the workplace. Which statement is correct?
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A a manager can delegate accountability but cannot give away their responsibilityB a manager can delegate responsibility but cannot give away their accountability
C a manager is not accountable for assessing and managing the risks the employee is exposed to
D a manager is not responsible in making decisions about local safety practice
Correct Answer: B a manager can delegate responsibility but cannot give away their accountability
7. Which of the following is true?
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A a hazard doesn't cause harmB likelihood is a measure of the chance that the hazardous event will occur
C the likelihood of all hazardous events is the same
D there is only one way to do a risk assessment
Correct Answer: B likelihood is a measure of the chance that the hazardous event will occur
8. Identify the hazardous event in following four examples.
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A boxes holding open a fire doorB lifting gravel with a shovel
C slipping on a polished surface
D working on scaffolding
Correct Answer: C slipping on a polished surface
9. Think about risks in terms of reasonable foreseeability. Which statement is correct?
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A a duty holder is expected to foresee what the average person in the street would not have foreseen, as that information is common knowledgeB the law requires a duty holder to be responsible for every risk that is foreseeable
C the law tries to be fair by requiring you to be responsible only for reasonably foreseeable risks
D there are no tests you can apply to determine if a risk is reasonably foreseeable
Correct Answer: C the law tries to be fair by requiring you to be responsible only for reasonably foreseeable risks
10. Insert in the space provided the most appropriate option from the three listed below.
__________ has a legal duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees, so far as is reasonably practicable.
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A The employerB The public
C The regulator
Correct Answer: A The employer
11. Which of the following is true?
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A in civil law, a duty of care can be breached by failing to manage a foreseeable riskB in civil law, if the employee contributed towards their own injury, this has no effect on the outcome of their claim
C in civil law, the level of proof required is beyond reasonable doubt
Correct Answer: A in civil law, a duty of care can be breached by failing to manage a foreseeable risk
12. Think about common workplace hazards. Which of the following is true?
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A artificial light is the best form of lighting and should be provided
wherever reasonably practicableB slips and trips are not the most common cause of major injuries at work
C stress is only caused by excessive work demands
D the main type of harm from electricity is electric shock, caused by coming into direct contact with an electrical conductor
Correct Answer: D the main type of harm from electricity is electric shock, caused by coming into direct contact with an electrical conductor
13. Think about common workplace hazards. Which statement is correct?
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A an early symptom of upper limb disorders can be tingling in the fingersB if people do work where there are vehicles, marked walkways are better than physical separation by barriers
C lighting, noise and weather conditions do not affect the risk of a slip or trip
Correct Answer: A an early symptom of upper limb disorders can be tingling in the fingers
14. Is the following scenario a near miss or an accident: an incident that results in no injury or damage, but which had the potential to do so
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A AccidentB Near miss
Correct Answer: B Near miss
15. Is the following scenario a near miss or an accident: an incident that results in injury to someone or damage to property
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A AccidentB Near miss
Correct Answer: A Accident
16. Think about reasons for investigating incidents. Which statement is correct?
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A it helps to identify the cause of the incident to stop it happening againB it helps you to find out who is to blame
C it helps you to focus on reactive measurement
D it removes the need for legal compliance
Correct Answer: A it helps to identify the cause of the incident to stop it happening again
17. When an incident occurs which of the following is true?
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A assemble the investigation team, in order to report the incidentB make sure the family of any injured person is notified
C you must always inform the enforcing authority
Correct Answer: B make sure the family of any injured person is notified
18. Is the following statement a PROACTIVE or REACTIVE indicator: measuring how much training your staff are getting
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A ProactiveB Reactive
Correct Answer: A Proactive
19. Is the following statement a PROACTIVE or REACTIVE indicator: collecting information on the number of days without an incident
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A ProactiveB Reactive
Correct Answer: B Reactive
20. Is the following statement a PROACTIVE or REACTIVE indicator: measuring the number of completed workplace inspections against the number planned
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A ProactiveB Reactive
Correct Answer: A Proactive