CPCS Telehandler Mock Questions

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CPCS Telehandler Test
There are 25 CPCS Telehandler Test questions and answers in this assessment. You need to score 20 out of 25 to pass. You may review answers after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!
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CPCS Telehandler Test Questions and Answers Quick View
List of questions in above test (quick view). Click question box to reveal correct answer.
1. What is the possible effect of lifting a load while you are facing downhill on a slope?
Give ONE Answer
A Nothing can changeB The centre of gravity will move backward and slow the vehicle down
C The centre of gravity will move forward and could cause the vehicle to tip forward
D The telehandler can stall
Correct Answer: C The centre of gravity will move forward and could cause the vehicle to tip forward
Explanation: The centre of gravity on machines can change when moving uphill or downhill
Explanation: The centre of gravity on machines can change when moving uphill or downhill
2. Which of the following are TWO requirements that must be met to comply with The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998?
Give TWO Answers
A A person with 2 years experience of handling the machinery must always be involvedB Each load must be moved within one hour of commencing the task
C It is essential that the plant and equipment must be tested and certified
D The lifting operation must always be planned and supervised.
Correct Answer: C It is essential that the plant and equipment must be tested and certified, D The lifting operation must always be planned and supervised.
Explanation: As well as appropriate planning, supervision and machine testing, the actual job must always be done by trained, competent and authorized people.
Explanation: As well as appropriate planning, supervision and machine testing, the actual job must always be done by trained, competent and authorized people.
3. Which methods can an operator use to minimize their impact upon the environment whilst using the machine?
Give TWO Answers
A Conducting a weekly environmental audit within the teamB Leaving the engine running as long as possible
C Making sure not to overfill the engine
D Turning off the engine when not in use
Correct Answer: C Making sure not to overfill the engine, D Turning off the engine when not in use
Explanation: Turning the engine off and not overfilling the tank, as well as cleaning any spills, are useful environmental actions. Others that can be undertaken are disposing of waste correctly, planning work efficiently and checking the tyre pressure.
Explanation: Turning the engine off and not overfilling the tank, as well as cleaning any spills, are useful environmental actions. Others that can be undertaken are disposing of waste correctly, planning work efficiently and checking the tyre pressure.
4. The lifting or rated capacity of a telehandler is set by whom?
Give ONE Answer
A The clientB The government
C The manufacturer
D Your employer
Correct Answer: C The manufacturer
Explanation: Lifting or rated capacities are set by manufacturers in line with the framework of health and safety law
Explanation: Lifting or rated capacities are set by manufacturers in line with the framework of health and safety law
5. Which of these is a genuine reason that forklift operators are regarded as ‘safety-critical’ workers?
Give ONE Answer
A All forklift operators must take health and safety responsibility for the entire workforceB Forklift operators work to higher levels of seniority than other equivalent staff
C Less training needed to be a forklift operator
D Potential risk of an accident
Correct Answer: D Potential risk of an accident
Explanation: Because of the plant and loads operated, there is a higher potential of accidents, and sometimes serious accidents occur. Harms can then fall on operators and other workers
Explanation: Because of the plant and loads operated, there is a higher potential of accidents, and sometimes serious accidents occur. Harms can then fall on operators and other workers
6. When loading the machine onto a transporter/trailer on behalf of a driver, which of these are mandatory checks that must be carried out before leaving the cab?
Give TWO Answers
A Fuel gauge must be inspectedB Mirror positioning must be checked
C Parking brake is applied and the engine is switched off
D Windows shut
Correct Answer: C Parking brake is applied and the engine is switched off, D Windows shut
Explanation: As well as ensuring the parking brake is applied, the engine turned off and the windows shut, the machine must also be placed in the correct position, and the hydraulic-operated components have to be grounded and pressure removed.
Explanation: As well as ensuring the parking brake is applied, the engine turned off and the windows shut, the machine must also be placed in the correct position, and the hydraulic-operated components have to be grounded and pressure removed.
7. Which of these are ways in which a plant operator can help secure more business from a contract?
Give TWO Answers
A Compliance with the Method StatementB Re-negotiating a contract
C Safe working practices
D Speeding up a job without conducting checks
Correct Answer: A Compliance with the Method Statement, C Safe working practices
Explanation: As well as safe working practices and compliance with the Method Statement, Co-operation with the workforce is highly valued.
Explanation: As well as safe working practices and compliance with the Method Statement, Co-operation with the workforce is highly valued.
8. When setting up to move loads in a pedestrianised area, which of these are factors you should take fully into account?
Give TWO Answers
A Method statement and Risk assessments are properly in placeB Minimising noise, dust and fumes
C The length of time a load will take, as short drops need no adjustment to pedestrians
D The number of pedestrians that could be interrupted or inconvenienced
Correct Answer: A Method statement and Risk assessments are properly in place, B Minimising noise, dust and fumes
Explanation: Minimisation of environmental impact can work along with method statements to reduce impact in pedestrianised areas. Other considerations would be making sure there is enough room for materials and machine movements, and importantly providing safe routes and signage for pedestrians.
Explanation: Minimisation of environmental impact can work along with method statements to reduce impact in pedestrianised areas. Other considerations would be making sure there is enough room for materials and machine movements, and importantly providing safe routes and signage for pedestrians.
9. Which of these is NOT a reason that might cause the telehandler to tip over sideways?
Give ONE Answer
A Halting the vehicleB Soft ground while lifting a load
C Soft tyres
D Turning on a slope
Correct Answer: B Soft ground while lifting a load, C Soft tyres, D Turning on a slope
Explanation: As well as turning on a slope, soft ground or soft tyres, vehicles can become unstable if they employ excessive speed when turning or have an uneven load.
Explanation: As well as turning on a slope, soft ground or soft tyres, vehicles can become unstable if they employ excessive speed when turning or have an uneven load.
10. Which of these is NOT a real condition that should apply to the mirrors on your machine?
Give ONE Answer
A Must be adjustedB Must be clean
C Must be fitted
D Must be light-reflective
Correct Answer: D Must be light-reflective
Explanation: All mirrors must be fitted, clean, adjusted, and not damaged in any way
Explanation: All mirrors must be fitted, clean, adjusted, and not damaged in any way
11. If an operator has to use a new type of telehandler, Regulations such as PUWER 98 insist on what?
Give ONE Answer
A 6 months previous experience with another machineB Additional insurance for the first month of using a new machine
C Every operator is required to have the correct instruction, training and up-to-date information on that particular machine.
D Supervision by another team member for the first 10 times of usage
Correct Answer: C Every operator is required to have the correct instruction, training and up-to-date information on that particular machine.
Explanation: Instruction, training and information on each machine to be used is needed before a person is permitted to use it.
Explanation: Instruction, training and information on each machine to be used is needed before a person is permitted to use it.
12. What is the load centre?
Give ONE Answer
A Distance between the heels of the forks and the back of the loadB Distance between the heels of the forks and the centre of the load
C Distance between the heels of the forks and the front of the load
D Distance between the heels of the forks and the highest point of the load
Correct Answer: B Distance between the heels of the forks and the centre of the load
Explanation: The Load Centre is also known as the Point of Balance
Explanation: The Load Centre is also known as the Point of Balance
13. Which of these is NOT a legitimate factor to take into account when picking up a load?
Give ONE Answer
A Experience of operatorB Load centre
C Weight
D Wet or Dry
Correct Answer: A Experience of operator
Explanation: Five vital factors to bear in mind are: 1. Load centre. 2. Weight. 3. Destination. 4. Wet or dry. 5. Is it liquid.
Explanation: Five vital factors to bear in mind are: 1. Load centre. 2. Weight. 3. Destination. 4. Wet or dry. 5. Is it liquid.
14. Which of these is NOT a real purpose of one of the raised lungs on tyres?
Give ONE Answer
A Assisting when steeringB Generally reducing speed
C Providing adherence on soft ground
D Providing help when braking.
Correct Answer: B Generally reducing speed
Explanation: 1. Providing help when braking. 2. Providing adherence on soft ground. 3. Assisting when steering.
Explanation: 1. Providing help when braking. 2. Providing adherence on soft ground. 3. Assisting when steering.
15. Which is the more accurate definition of a hazard?
Give ONE Answer
A Anything that can cause or is known to cause harm to people, property or environmentB Occasional challenges to effective working
C Ongoing problems that can be managed
D There is no logical or accurate definition
Correct Answer: A Anything that can cause or is known to cause harm to people, property or environment
Explanation: Hazards need to be managed and avoided
Explanation: Hazards need to be managed and avoided
16. Which of these is unlikely to contribute to a forklift tipping over, even when they are travelling on gentle gradients or are not overloaded?
Give ONE Answer
A Angle of the mirrorsB Load weight
C Soft ground
D Speed
Correct Answer: A Angle of the mirrors
Explanation: Tips can occur on even the most gentle gradient when combined with factors such as speed, load weight, the softness of the ground, and incorrect tyre pressure.
Explanation: Tips can occur on even the most gentle gradient when combined with factors such as speed, load weight, the softness of the ground, and incorrect tyre pressure.
17. When facing prosecution for not complying with the law relating to the dangerous use of forklifts, on what grounds might you be found not guilty or acquitted?
Give ONE Answer
A If others in the workplace have made the same mistakesB If you can prove that you fulfilled the legal requirements
C If you have 5 years experience of operating the same machine
D If you have committed no similar previous offence
Correct Answer: B If you can prove that you fulfilled the legal requirements
Explanation: Only compliance with the legal requirements can lead directly to a Not Guilty decision
Explanation: Only compliance with the legal requirements can lead directly to a Not Guilty decision
18. If found guilty in a court of law, which of these is NOT a sanction that could be used against you?
Give ONE Answer
A DismissalB Fine
C Imprisonment
D Verbal warning
Correct Answer: D Verbal warning
Explanation: Being found guilty in a court of law comes with serious repurcussions
Explanation: Being found guilty in a court of law comes with serious repurcussions
19. Which two factors shape the distance a plant has to be kept from overhead power lines?
Give TWO Answers
A Depends on the speed of your vehicleB The amount of voltage that runs through the electricity lines
C The level of insulation in your machinery
D The support used for the electricity lines (wooden poles or metal poles)
Correct Answer: B The amount of voltage that runs through the electricity lines, D The support used for the electricity lines (wooden poles or metal poles)
Explanation: The voltage volume and type of poles are important. Remember that electricity can arch or jump gaps.
Explanation: The voltage volume and type of poles are important. Remember that electricity can arch or jump gaps.
20. Which TWO of these are factors when determining the weight of a load?
Give TWO Answers
A AgeB Flammability
C Shape
D Size
Correct Answer: C Shape, D Size
Explanation: The standard factors that determine the weight of a load are: 1. Size. 2. Density. 3. Wet or Dry. 4. Shape.
Explanation: The standard factors that determine the weight of a load are: 1. Size. 2. Density. 3. Wet or Dry. 4. Shape.
21. Why must a seatbelt always be worn?
Give ONE Answer
A Company regulationsB To lower insurance costs
C To protect the operator
D To protect the seat
Correct Answer: C To protect the operator
Explanation: If plant tips over, the presence of a seat belt will protect the operator from free falling and further injury
Explanation: If plant tips over, the presence of a seat belt will protect the operator from free falling and further injury
22. How large is the distance required when moving a telehandler near an open trench?
Give ONE Answer
A Greater than trench depthB Half trench depth
C Six meters
D Six yards
Correct Answer: A Greater than trench depth
Explanation: The depth of the trench defines the distance required
Explanation: The depth of the trench defines the distance required
23. Which of these does NOT need access to the Operators Manual?
Give ONE Answer
A Maintenance staffB Supervisors
C The client
D Transporter drivers
Correct Answer: C The client
Explanation: Keeping the Operators Manual in the cab allows access for all relevant people
Explanation: Keeping the Operators Manual in the cab allows access for all relevant people
24. Which of these is NOT a way in which wet weather can impact on telehandler operations?
Give ONE Answer
A Ground will soften.B Plant cannot be driven on the highways in rain
C The load weight can increase.
D Traction and grip are reduced.
Correct Answer: B Plant cannot be driven on the highways in rain
Explanation: Softening ground, traction and grid, increasing load weight and decreasing visibility are all weather factors
Explanation: Softening ground, traction and grid, increasing load weight and decreasing visibility are all weather factors
25. How should measures be taken when working in a confined space?
Give ONE Answer
A Additional maintenance should be done on the plantB Additional staff should be on standby
C Fences and signage should be used
D Load weights should be reduced
Correct Answer: C Fences and signage should be used
Explanation: Fences and signage are the only steps required to be taken.
Explanation: Fences and signage are the only steps required to be taken.