CPCS Lift Supervisor Mock Questions

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CPCS Lift Supervisor Test
There are 20 CPCS Crane Lift Supervisor Test questions and answers in this assessment. You need to score 16 out of 20 to pass. You may review answers after each question or at the end of the test. Good luck!
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CPCS Lift Supervisor Questions and Answers Quick View
List of questions in above test (quick view). Click question box to reveal correct answer.
1. In the event that during the a lifting operation, part of the task cannot be carried out as laid out in the lift plan, what must happen?
Give ONE Answer
A The operator may continue the operation as long as the supervisor has agreed.B The operator must pause the operation until the supervisor gives the go ahead
C The operator must stop the operation and the changes must be made to the plan to accurately reflect the lifting operation. Changes must be authorised by the appointed person
D The operator must stop the operation until the plan has been amended, and the site manager must approve the changes
Correct Answer: C The operator must stop the operation and the changes must be made to the plan to accurately reflect the lifting operation. Changes must be authorised by the appointed person
2. Name TWO of the key duties of which the crane operator is responsible
Give TWO Answers
A Communication directly with the Employing OrganizationB Designing the lift plan
C Implement the lift plan and safe system of work
D Set up and operate crane according to manufacturer’s instructions
E Writing and implementing the site risk assessments
Correct Answer: C Implement the lift plan and safe system of work, D Set up and operate crane according to manufacturer’s instructions
3. When a thorough examination on a lifting machine has been carried out, which TWO items that must be recorded?
Give TWO Answers
A Crane Model and TypeB Crane colour
C Lifting plan number
E Weather conditions
Correct Answer: A Crane Model and Type, D SWL
4. Give TWO reasons a client or principal contractor may not come back for more business?
Give TWO Answers
A Operator and lifting operation team have worked to scheduleB Operator has communicated well with the workforce
C Operator has demonstrated unsafe working practices
D Operator has not been compliant with the Method Statements
E Operator has read the Manufacturers Operation
Correct Answer: C Operator has demonstrated unsafe working practices, D Operator has not been compliant with the Method Statements
5. How many months is a thorough examination for a lifting accessory valid for?
Give ONE Answer
A 12 yearB 18 months
C 3 months
D 6 months
Correct Answer: D 6 months
6. Give ONE advantage is there to increase the number of falls on a hook block.
Give ONE Answer
A Can allow heavier loads to be liftedB Can allow lighter loads to be lifted
C Can allow operation to continue in adverse weather conditions
D Can stabilise a load to be lifted
Correct Answer: A Can allow heavier loads to be lifted
7. State why there must be a safe system of work.
Give ONE Answer
A It is a legal requirement under the HASWA 1970.B It is a legal requirement under the HASWA 1974.
C It is a legal requirement under the HASWA 1980.
D It is a legal requirement under the HASWA 1994.
Correct Answer: B It is a legal requirement under the HASWA 1974.
8. How is the area of support beneath a crane outrigger calculated to give the maximum possible safeguards against ground subsidence?
Give ONE Answer
A Weight of the crane divided by the weight of the load and as the crane slews over each outrigger this is the maximum feasible point loading. To calculate the actual minimum outrigger area required, actual maximum permissible ground load needs to be known. Multiply this into the crane and load weight which gives the minimum number of square feet outrigger mat needed under each outrigger.B Weight of the crane multiplied weight of the load and as the crane slews over each outrigger this is the maximum feasible point loading. To calculate the actual minimum outrigger area required, actual maximum permissible ground load needs to be known. Subtract this into the crane and load weight which gives the minimum number of square feet outrigger mat needed under each outrigger.
C Weight of the crane plus weight of the load and as the crane slews over each outrigger this is the maximum feasible point loading. To calculate the actual minimum outrigger area required, actual maximum permissible ground load needs to be known. Divide this into the crane and load weight which gives the minimum number of square feet outrigger mat needed under each outrigger.
D Weight of the crane plus weight of the load and this is the maximum feasible point loading. To calculate the actual minimum outrigger area required, actual maximum permissible ground load needs to be known. Divide this into the crane and load weight which gives the minimum number of square feet outrigger mat needed under each outrigger.
Correct Answer: C Weight of the crane plus weight of the load and as the crane slews over each outrigger this is the maximum feasible point loading. To calculate the actual minimum outrigger area required, actual maximum permissible ground load needs to be known. Divide this into the crane and load weight which gives the minimum number of square feet outrigger mat needed under each outrigger.
9. Name THREE ways in which an operator can minimise their impact upon the environment whilst using a crane
Give THREE Answers
A Disposing waste correctlyB Fluid spillages
C Neglecting the maintenance of the crane
D Planning of work before operation to maximise efficiency
E Using the crane efficiently
Correct Answer: A Disposing waste correctly, D Planning of work before operation to maximise efficiency, E Using the crane efficiently
10. Identify TWO requirements for ensuring the stability of mobile cranes on site.
Give ONE Answer
A All outriggers extended accordinglyB Crane height is less than 50 meters
C Crane is overloaded
D Crane level both longitudinally and transversally
E Crane radius is more than 3.4
Correct Answer: A All outriggers extended accordingly, D Crane level both longitudinally and transversally
11. Name TWO consequences that may happen as a result of operators who do not comply with regulations / legislation.
Give ONE Answer
A DismissalB Holding of salary
C Job promotion
D Revoking of CSS license
E Written warning
Correct Answer: A Dismissal, E Written warning
12. What do The Work at Height Regulations require of crane supervisors?
Give ONE Answer
A A ‘buddy system’ to ensure the safety of crane supervisorB Control measures in place to ensure that the operators are not at risk of falling.
C Correctly fitting harness
D Working at Heights Supervisors License
Correct Answer: B Control measures in place to ensure that the operators are not at risk of falling.
13. The deflection of the boom on a mobile crane or jib affects the lift in what way?
Give ONE Answer
A The boom deflection can cause a decrease in the radius.B The boom deflection can cause an increase in the radius.
C The boom deflection can cause an increase or decrease in the radius.
D The boom deflection has no affect on the radius
Correct Answer: B The boom deflection can cause an increase in the radius.
14. Why is it important to ensure the wheels are clear of the ground when outriggers are employed?
Give ONE Answer
A The maximum load will be increasedB There are regulations and requirements that dictate this
C They are needed for the machine to function correctly
D Wheels and axles make up part of the crane’s dead weight and therefore affect the total load movement of the crane
Correct Answer: D Wheels and axles make up part of the crane’s dead weight and therefore affect the total load movement of the crane
15. According to BS 7121 Part 1:
a) What is the minimum number of allowable turns on the hoist drum and
b) Who decides the actual minimum allowable turns on the hoist drum for a given model of crane?
Give ONE Answer
A a) 2. b) The manufacturerB a) 2. b) The operator
C a) 4. b) The manufacturer
D a) 4. b) The operator
Correct Answer: A a) 2. b) The manufacturer
16. How is the SWL/WLL/rated capacity for multi-leg slings determined?
Give ONE Answer
A By a calculation (radius divided by maximum load)B By a test load
C By the Manufacturers Manual
D By the Uniform Load method.
Correct Answer: D By the Uniform Load method.
17. Name THREE main duties of The Health and Safety at Work Act that all employees must abide by?
Give THREE Answers
A All operators of the crane must sign in and out at the start and end of shiftB Co-operate with the employer
C Individual risk assessments must be written by each employee regardless of work being done
D Not interfere (intentionally or recklessly) with anything provided for safety
E Protect themselves and others
F The orientation of welfare services (refreshments / toilets) must be
Correct Answer: B Co-operate with the employer, D Not interfere (intentionally or recklessly) with anything provided for safety, E Protect themselves and others
18. What is the minimum recommended distance that is allowed between the counterweight(s) of the crane and another object/structure?
Give ONE Answer
A Minimum 500 mm.B Minimum 600 mm.
C Minimum 650 mm.
D Minimum 800 mm.
Correct Answer: B Minimum 600 mm.
19. What is a Load Radius Indicator?
Give ONE Answer
A A device fitted to a crane that shows the maximum radius at which the crane could operate and its current maximum SWL (WLL) (BS 7121 Part 3 Sec 8.8.2)B A device fitted to a crane that shows the maximum radius at which the crane could operate and its current maximum SWL (WLL) (BS 7230 Part 1 Sec 8.8.2)
C A device fitted to a crane that shows the radius at which the crane is operating and its corresponding maximum SWL (WLL) (BS 7121 Part 3 Sec 8.8.2)
D A device fitted to a crane that shows the radius at which the crane is operating and its corresponding maximum SWL (WLL) (BS 7230 Part 1 Sec 8.8.2)
Correct Answer: C A device fitted to a crane that shows the radius at which the crane is operating and its corresponding maximum SWL (WLL) (BS 7121 Part 3 Sec 8.8.2)
20. What is the 'Factor of Safety' when lifting personnel?
Give ONE Answer
A 2:1 according to (BS 7121 Part 1 Annex D.3.1)B 2:1 according to (BS 7121 Part 3 Annex D.3.1)
C 3:1 according to (BS 7100 Part 3 Annex D.3.1)
D 3:1 according to (BS 7100 Part 3 Annex D.3.1)
Correct Answer: B 2:1 according to (BS 7121 Part 3 Annex D.3.1)